Why Hire Me to Photograph Your Elopement or Destination Wedding 

So many photographers to choose from... 

When it comes to choosing the perfect photographer for your elopement, intimate wedding, or destination wedding, you're not just picking from a few options - you've got a virtual army of talented photographers eagerly awaiting your inquiry. Yes, I'm one of them, eagerly poised for your message! 

Now, let's dive into the exciting part - what sets a great photographer apart? When weighing your options, consider how long they've been capturing the magic of weddings. Do they have a passport ready for globetrotting, or do they dream of enchanting destinations? What's their editing style – vintage charm, bold and vibrant, or a unique blend of creativity? 

Beyond that, peek into their portfolio to see whose love stories they've already helped tell – maybe you even recognize a familiar face among their happy couples (referrals are golden!). And let's not forget the importance of inclusivity – are they open and welcoming to people of all genders, ethnicities, and physical abilities? 

I'll do my best to shed light on these aspects in this post, but if you've got more questions or want to connect, don't hesitate to reach out pronto! I'm here to make your special day a visual masterpiece! 

How long have I been a photographer? 

I have been taking photos since I was a kid, but I have been a photographer professionally since 2014. I have been primarily photographing automotive events like car meets, drag racing, drift events, and some commissioned sessions. 

In 2017 I decided I wanted to try weddings. The first one was a solo gig for a relative. It was challenging work, but it was fun. I had hoped to do more, but it was closing in at the end of the season and there were few last-minute weddings I could do. So, I kept at the automotive stuff. 

In 2018 I changed companies for my trucking career and was on the road a lot, so I did not get to shoot much. In 2019 I got an opportunity to be a second photographer for another local photographer in the Dayton area. This wedding was a larger event and had some travel involved to Mount Vernon, Kentucky. Again, it was a fun time, hard work and I learned a lot from the lead photographer. 

When the end of 2019 came around, and into 2020, I was prepared to hit the ground running, trying to book all the weddings I could. Then the brakes got put on hard and fast with the pandemic. @#$%!!! 

In 2020 I put my photography on hold, bought a semi and started a trucking company with one truck. Trucking was nearly pandemic proof, especially when you haul mostly food and paper products. 

Here we are now, the tail end of 2023. Between 2020 and now, I have been sticking to travel photography while on the road and automotive when I came back to working locally. 

For 2023 and beyond, I am ready to get back to what I loved photographing, weddings, but with a twist! 

Where have I been? Where do I want to go? Where can I go? 

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago vibes! All my life I have been a traveler. I have seen all the lower 48 states, in all seasons, and I have stayed a night in each one at least once. I have yet to go anywhere internationally, but I have my passport and all my shots! 

Like most people, I have my dream destinations, especially when it comes to eloping and destination weddings.  

Some of the destinations that top my list are 

  • National parks in the western US and Canada 

  • Italy along the Amalfi Coast or among the Dolomites in the Italian Alps 

  • Japan in the smaller cities like Kyoto, Sendai or Sapporo 

  • Australia and New Zealand where all of the wildlife is out to get you! 

  • The UK and coast of Ireland or Scottish countryside 

And everywhere in between! 

Can I go to these places? You bet! My passport is ready for some stamps. 

There’s more to me than great photos... 

When you hire me as your elopement and destination wedding photographer, you get more than some old dude with a camera. 

You also get a travel and itinerary consultant. With some previous years as a travel advisor, I am able to assist you in creating the ultimate elopement getaway. I can help you find the best deals on flights, hotels, transportation, and more. While we work together to plan how to get there and where to stay, I will create a curated itinerary for your destination that is designed just for you. 

If you need some coaching for travel because you have some hesitations, I can help you with that as well. I want your trip to not only highlight your love in your photos, I also want you to feel comfortable traveling to a new place and help you to become empowered through a transformative travel experience. 

How about an officiant? Yep, hi! I have you covered in most US states. And if I can’t perform the ceremony, I’ll help you find an officiant who fits your needs and you’re comfortable with. As far as my style goes, I will keep it short, covering the important parts to make it legal, and get you back to enjoying your day. 

Oh yeah, I take photos too. Probably the important part of your visit to my site, huh? I’ll be with you for as long as you need me, capturing all the photos you want throughout the day. 

So, what do you think? 

Hopefully, this has given you a little insight into who I am, my experiences, and what I can do for you. If you have any questions, would like to book a consultation, or just want to chat to see if we would be a good fit, go to Bookings and we’ll get you scheduled. I hope to hear from you soon! 


A bit about me… or story time